SINCE 2012
Welcome to Cleveland's Health Tech Corridor
The Cleveland Health-Tech Corridor (“HTC”) is a prime location for biomedical, healthcare and technology companies looking to take advantage of close proximity to four world-class healthcare institutions including the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals, six business incubators, four academic centers, and more than 170 high-tech and health-tech companies engaged in the business of innovation.
The HTC is a 1,600 acre area spanning the heart of Cleveland’s east side, connecting Cleveland’s vibrant Downtown to its cultural hub of University Circle. Because of the immense health, technology, and educational capital that Cleveland’s hospitals and universities provide, the HTC has taken off as the place in the region to develop business synergies and partnerships in the health and technology sector. The opportunities for business attraction to Cleveland by partnering with the area’s institutions are tremendous and have resulted in over 1,800 new jobs, 500,000 square feet of new or renovated office and lab space, and over $4 billion of investment since 2008.
The HTC offers companies access to everything they need to grow and thrive – entrepreneurial support services, venture capital funding, a community of like-minded innovators, thought leaders at the academic and health-care institutions, local manufacturing capacity and expertise, a highly skilled workforce, and a commitment from the public sector to help small businesses expand. With the addition of 100 gigabit Internet access from OneCommunity, companies in the HTC have access to the next generation infrastructure that gives Cleveland a competitive edge on the rest of the country.
Stephen McHale
“We’ve amassed the largest clinical data set in the world, and we did it in 5 years, so we’ve passed all of the competitors by usually a factor of 2 in how fast our data assets grow.”
History of the
Health-Tech Corridor
The HTC was founded in 2010 as a public-nonprofit collaboration between BioEnterprise, The Cleveland Foundation, the City of Cleveland, and MidTown Cleveland. Recognizing there was a lack of suitable space to house the growing number of health-tech and high-tech businesses spinning out of the City’s anchor institutions, the HTC partners came together behind this unique effort to develop, brand, and market a health-tech and high-tech business corridor on the east side of Cleveland. The HTC is housed at MidTown Cleveland.

BioEnterprise is a business formation, recruitment, and acceleration initiative designed to grow healthcare companies and commercialize bioscience technologies. Founded by Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University in July 2002, the initiative has fostered over $2 billion in funding and attracted more than 350 companies.

Established in 1914, the Cleveland Foundation is the world’s first community foundation and the nation’s third-largest today, with assets of $1.8 billion and annual grants of $80 to $85 million. The foundation improves the lives of Greater Clevelanders now and for generations to come by building community endowment, addressing needs through grantmaking, and providing leadership on vital issues.

MidTown Cleveland, Inc. is an economic development corporation with a focus on business retention and development in MidTown, a two-square mile area bordered on the west by Downtown Cleveland and University Circle to the east.

From brownfield cleanup to small business support, the City of Cleveland’s Department of Economic Development works on all fronts to create and retain jobs in Cleveland, for Clevelanders. The Health Tech Corridor is a top priority for the City. The City has infused over $70 million in financial assistance into the Corridor, using this this investment to secure over $230 million in other private and public funds for projects throughout the Corridor.
Gil Van Bokkelen
“This is an ideal environment for early stage companies, startups, companies that are focused on health technology, and companies that are focused on the bio tech or biomedical industry segments.”
Team NEO
Advancing the region's economy through business attraction – informing and serving companies considering expansion or relocation into Northeast Ohio.
Greater Cleveland Partnership
With more than 17,000 members, GCP is the largest private-sector economic development organizations in Ohio and one of the largest chambers of commerce in the nation.
Strengthening the economy through entrepreneurship, this accelerates the successes of diverse founders, their companies and the local community.
The Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network supports, educates and champions manufacturing in Ohio. MAGNET provides consulting aimed at helping improve productivity and process while developing new products and strategies.
Case Western Reserve University
A top private research university, Case receives nearly $400m in annual external research awards, generates a $1b impact on the region’s economy, and counts 15 Nobel laureates among its alumni and faculty.
One of the nation’s leading health care systems, UH focuses on compassionate care and making advances in education. Its main campus and medical school form the largest biomedical research center in Ohio.
Cleveland Clinic
Consistently among the U.S.'s top hospital systems in all specialty areas. The Clinic’s main hospital campus occupies 166 acres and 50 buildings in the HTC and draws 3m+ annual patient visits from around the world.
Cleveland State University
A connected metro campus that provides a an environment for engaged learning. CSU’s 1,750+ faculty and staff serve 16,000+ students in 200 major fields of undergraduate and graduate study.
Cuyahoga Community College
Tri-C offers more than 1,000 credit courses in more than 140 career, certificate and university transfer programs. Features state-of-the-art health careers labs and programs in a wide range of career paths.
Cuyahoga County
The County's development staff provides assistance and educational opportunities to help local citizens and businesses, working with local officials, business leaders, non-profits, and universities.
A non-profit supported by the Ohio Department of Development, BioOhio accelerates bioscience discovery, innovation and commercialization of global value, driving economic growth.
The State of Ohio’s economic development agency, JobsOhio provides annual assistance to hundreds of companies that tens of thousands of new jobs for Ohioans and generate $6b+ in new capital investments.
Mark Pelletier
George Farr
"We were very attracted to Cleveland because of the low cost of operating here and all the great infrastructure."